Colonization of Early Settlers Matching 
Match the terms with their definitions. 
Name ____________________________

Date _____________________________
The war where the thirteen colonies fought for independence against Great Britain.  

The document declaring America's independence from Great Britain.  

Five laws passed by the British Parliament to punish the colonists for protesting after the Boston Tea Party. 

Colonists protested to taxes by throwing tea into the Boston Harbor in 1773.

A political organization during President George Washington's term that favored a strong federal government and was loosely based on the U.S. Constitution.  

A series of acts passed by the British Parliament to collect revenue from colonists by putting taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea.   

Required colonists to provide temporary shelter and supplies for British troops.  

Established a government for the Northwest Territory, outlined the process for admitting a new state into the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states.  

a. Declaration of Independence 

b. Boston Tea Party 

c. Townshend Acts

d. Quartering Act 

e. Revolutionary War 

f. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 

g. Intolerable Acts 

h. Federalist Party 

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