Taxonomy of Living Organisms Matching Part A
Match the terms with their definitions. 
Name ____________________________

Date _____________________________
Eukaryotic multicellular organisms that can reproduce sexually and asexually, and do not have chlorophyll.  

Eukaryotic, mostly single-celled organisms that may move, using a false foot called a pseudopod. 

Prokaryotic simple one-celled organisms that reproduce by splitting into two cells. 

Eukaryotic immobile multicellular organisms that
contain chlorophyll, have a cell wall, and can 
produce their own food.

Eukaryotic mobile multicellular organisms that cannot produce their own food, has no cell wall, and do not contain chlorophyll.   

a. Kingdom Fungi 

b. Kingdom Animalia 

c. Kingdom Monera 

d. Kingdom Protista 

e. Kingdom Plantae 

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