Hint: Change the mixed numbers to improper fractions.

To do this, multiply the denominator times the whole number, and then add the numerator as shown below.

Write the 8 as the numerator and leave the 3 as the denominator to create an improper fraction.

Do the same for the second mixed number.

Multiply as usual.
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Math: Operations with Fractions - Tutorial
This section will cover the fundamentals and rules of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.
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Adding Fractions
Below is a quick review of the parts of a fraction:
Example 2: Fractions with answers that are improper, must be rewritten as a mixed number.
Example 1 :  When adding fractions with like denominators, simply add the numerators.
Example 3: Fractions with different denominators will require finding a denominator that both fractions have in common.
Hint: Divide the numerator by the
denominator.  Then place the
remainder on top of the divisor to
create a mixed number. 
Hint: How many times will 4 go into 20? 5

Multiply 5 x 3. The answer is 15.

The first numerator is 15.

Do the same steps, to find the second numerator.
Example 3: Mixed numbers can be added together.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 2 requires finding a common denominator for both 3 and 5.  Since 3 cannot go into 5, multiply the two numbers together.  The common denominator is 15.
Step 3 requires changing an improper fraction to a mixed number, and then adding the whole numbers together as shown below.
Subtracting Fractions
Example 1 :  When subtracting fractions with like denominators, simply subtract the numerators.
Example 2: Fractions with different denominators will require finding a denominator that both fractions have in common. Then subtract the numerators.
Example 3: Subtract a mixed number from a fraction.
Since our answer is not in its lowest term, we will have to reduce. To do this, find the greatest common factor. 
Hint: Since we know that our denominator in our mixed number is 5, we will turn our whole number 5 into a mixed number.

To do this, take 1 away from 5, and then turn
Now we're ready to subtract as usual.
Example 4: Subtract a larger numerator from a smaller numerator.
Hint: Since we can't take 4 from 2, we will borrow 1 from our whole number 6, which we will use to create a mixed number.

Add the mixed number to the original fraction, to make the numerator larger.

Subtact as usual.
Multiplying Fractions
Example 1 : To multiply fractions, follow the steps below:

  • Reduce to lowest terms if possible.
  • Multiply the numerators.
  • Multiply the denominators.

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 3 shows how to reduce our answer to lowest terms.

To avoid reducing at the end, see if any reducing can be done in Step 1.

For example:

Hint: Since 2 can go into both 2 and 4, we can divide both numbers by 2.

Then multiply as usual.
Example 2 :  Multiply the following.

Example 3 :  Multiply two fractions and reduce diagonally both ways.
Note: Reducing a fraction to lowest terms when multiplying can only be done diagonally.
Example 4 :  Multiply multiple fractions
Note: Whichever way we reduce, the answer is the same.
Example 5 :  Multiply mixed numbers.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Dividing Fractions
Example 1 : Divide fractions:

  • Change the division sign to a mutliplication sign. (Step 2)
  • Write the reciprocal of the second fraction. (Step 2)
  • Reduce fractions to lowest terms. (Step 3)
  • Multiply as usual. (Step 3)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Example 2 : Divide mixed numbers:

  • Change the mixed numbers to improper fractions. (Step 2)
  • Write the reciprocal of the second fraction. (Step 3)
  • Reduce fractions to lowest terms if possible.
  • Multiply as usual. (Step 4)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Example 3 : Divide a mixed number by a whole number:

  • Change the mixed number to improper fractions. (Step 2)
  • Change the whole number to an improper fraction. (Step 2)
  • Write the reciprocal of the second fraction. (Step 3)
  • Reduce fractions to lowest terms if possible.
  • Multiply as usual. (Step 3)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
1st mixed number
2nd mixed number