Below are some suggestions to help you organize your time.  For additional help, see the Some Hands-on Study Suggestions section on the Extra Tools page of this website.   
How to Organize Your Time
Some Helpful Tools
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Dedicate at least 1 1/2 to 2 hours of uninterrupted time to study daily.

Determine the amount of time you will need for each subject before you begin.

Use a timer to help you stay on track.

Do the assignments that require less time first. Once you have completed those assignments, move on to the more challenging ones. 

Make a list of your assignments and put checkboxes beside each one.

Check off your assignments as you complete them.  Seeing your progress will give you the motivation to continue. 

A Suggested Daily Study Plan 
Math assignments 

Essay writing assignments.  

Fill in the blank questions for language arts, social studies, science, and/or foreign language assignments. 

Study terms and definitions assignments. 
Make the Most of Your Time 
Below is an example of assignments you may have to complete: 
Extra credit assignments. 

​For math, write out examples of problems that are given. This will give you practice understanding each step for solving the problem. 

For essay writing assignments, set a timer for a specific amount of time, preferably no more than 20 minutes. Identify points in your essay. List your points in your opening paragraph. Address each point in the paragraphs that follow. Write your conclusion to sum up your essay. 

For more practice, use the Essay Writing template in the Extra Tools section. 

For studying terms and definitions, write the terms on the front of index cards and the definitions on the back.  

Create a list of words that are unfamiliar to you. Write the words and their definitions in a journal. If time allows, write a sentence using each word. 

Review your notes that were taken during class even if an assignment was not given. This will help you stay ahead for the next day's class. 

Use the tutorials, lessons, and quizzes from along with your assigned lessons to give extra practice in areas where you feel additional help is needed. 
Keep in Mind:
Once you get into the daily practice of maintaining a good study plan, studying will become more productive and passing exams will become more achievable. 
How to Stay Focused
Let's say you have a container of fifty blue marbles. Now suppose you close your eyes and pick a marble from the container. You know with absolute certainty that you're going to choose a blue marble. 

Now let’s say you add ten green marbles to the container. If you close your eyes this time, will you still be able to choose a blue marble with as much certainty as you did before?

The answer is no. 

Matter of fact, the more colored marbles you add to the container, the less certainty you will have choosing a blue marble.

Make a quick list of your thoughts. 

Your list will help you see what you need to do once you're finished studying. 

Now you can return to your studying without any other thoughts competing for your attention. 
What does this mean? 

It means that if you want to choose a blue marble with as much certainty as before, you will have to remove all the different colored marbles from the container, leaving only the blue ones. 

​How does this relate to studying? 

If you have an assortment of different thoughts on your mind, such as: What you'd rather be doing? or What you have to do once you're finished studying?—chances are, you're distracted. The solution is to remove all the thoughts that are not school-related from your mind.
Here's how: 

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