1. The ______________ is the order of events within a novel, play, or movie.

a. plot 
b. theme 
c. characters

2. The ______________ is the distinct way something is said or done.

a. theme
b. style
c. plot

3. Those who are shown in a drama, novel, or other artistic piece are called ___________________.

a. writers 
b. critics
c. characters 

4. The ____________ is the time or surroundings in which a literary work or drama takes place.

a. plot
b. short story
c. setting 

5. The ________________ is the personal perspective of the writer or speaker.

a. characterization
b. point of view 
c. mood 

6. A __________________ usually deals with a small number of imaginary characters and has a plot that unfolds rather quickly.

a. novel
b. poem
c. short story 

7. A _______________ deals with imaginary characters whose personalities and background information are discovered as the plot unfolds over a period of time. 

a. poem 
b. novel
c. short story

8. The _____________ tells where the story is located geographically.

a. characterization
b. personification
c. place 

9. Which of the following tells the dialect or figure of speech of the character?

a. personality
b. language 
c. attitude

10. The ___________________ describes the weather and setting as well as the emotional state of the characters.

a. atmosphere 
b. location
c. mood

11. The __________________ reveals the thoughts and emotions of the characters.

a. behavior
b. mood 
c. personality 

12. Which of the following describes the traditional customs, myths, and beliefs of a people and told by word of mouth?

a. folklore
b. folktale
c. tall tale

13. A ___________ is a fictional story or poem that uses animals, mythical creatures, or inanimate objects to teach a moral or lesson. 

a. fantasy
b. myth
c. fable 

14. A ______________ is a story or legend that is told from one generation to another by word of mouth.

a. flashback
b. folktale 
c. novel 

15. Which of the following is a traditional ancient story that deals with supernatural beings and explains how something began or came to be?

a. myth 
b. resolution
c. sonnet

16. A __________ is a humorous, exaggerated story with unbelievable elements. 

a. style
b. plot
c. tall tale 

17. Continuous literary works with related subject matter and characters is known as which of the following?

a. setting
b. series
c. conflict

18. ____________ is a list of chapters or contents in a book.

a. table of contents 
b. plot
c. stanza

19. Which of the following was an American author of novels and short stories whose works were typical of the Jazz Age and was best known for novels, The Great Gatsby and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which were adapted as feature films?

a. F. Scott Fitzgerald
b. Mark Twain
c. William Faulkner

20. Which of the following is a British novelist who is best known for the Harry Potter fantasy series and sold 150 million copies worldwide, which were adapted into a blockbuster film series?

a. J.R.R. Tolkien
b. J.K. Rowling 
c. Jonathan Swift

21. Which of the following was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, who was best known for fantasy classic works, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Ring, which were adapted into blockbuster films?

a. William Faulkner
b. H.G. Wells
c. J.R.R. Tolkien

22. ________ was an American author and historian who was best known for technologist detailed espionage and military science novels, The Hunt for Red October and Patriot Games, which were adapted for commercially successful films and novels, and Splinter Cell, a video game series.

a. Tom Clancy 
b. Charles Dickens
c. Jonathan Swift

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Reading:  Fiction Part I - Quiz