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1. Gas that makes up about 80 percent of the earth's atmosphere is called _________________.

a.  carbon dioxide
b.  hydrogen
c.  nitrogen 

2. A salt or an organic compound of nitric acid is called __________________.

a.  nitrogen
b.  nitrates 
c.  nitrogenase

3. The complex chemical that changes nitrogen to ammonia is called ________________.

a.  nodules
b.  nitrogen
c.  nitrogenase

4. The knob-like growths of bacteria found on the roots of beans and peas are called ___________________. 

a.  seeds
b.  buds
c.  nodules 

5. The food-making process where the chlorophyll in green plants converts the light from the sun into chemical energy.

a.  photosynthesis 
b.  cellular respiration
c.  cellular conversion

6. It is the substance that gives green plants their green color.

a.  chloroform
b.  chloroplasts
c.  chlorophyll

7. Membrane sacs in plants that contain chlorophyll are called ________________. 

a.  chloroplasts 
b.  roots
c.  leaves

8. Sugar that is produced in plants as a result of photosynthesis is called _________________.

a.  proteins
b.  glucose 
c.  enzymes

9. Chemical reactions where energy is released from glucose particles in cells is the process of _________________.

a.  cellular respiration 
b.  cellular regeneration
c.  photosynthesis

10. The phloem allows food to be transported upward through the roots of plants to the leaves.

a.  True
b.  False 

11. The xylem allows the roots to take in water from the soil and carry it to the leaves.

a.  True 
b.  False

12. Animals must find an outside source of food, unlike green plants, which are able to create food through photosynthesis.

a.  True 
b.  False

13. Plants split water into two components, oxygen and hydrogen

a.  True 
b.  False

14. Glucose molecules have to be present during cellular respiration.

a.  True 
b.  False
Select the correct answer for each question from the choices given. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Science:  The Cycle of Life - Quiz