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Correct the following sentences using the capitalization rules. Type your answers in the spaces provided. 

1. sal is writing a book called my summer in maine.

2. we are excited about our trip to coaster world.

3. the industrial revolution was responsible for the growth of population in chicago.

4. the nolans bought their new home in florida.

5. sean gave his report to professor larkin last friday.

6. i read reader's digest while riding the subway to new jersey.

7. grandpa and sue go fishing up at lake winepago during the fall.

8. my brother likes to play his guitar like the lead guitarist in metallica.

9. kyle mason is the new president of global net communications.

10. the temperatures are quite chilly along the east coast during the fall. 

Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

Use the Personalized Progress Chart in the Extra Tools section to record your score. 
Language Arts:  Capitalization - Quiz