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Identify how the following gerunds are used.  

1. Dusting makes her sneeze.

a.  subject 
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

2. Paul's fingers were slipping from the edge. 

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement 
d.  object of a preposition

3. Hannah loves dancing and singing. 

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

4. Dad gave Aaron a book about fishing. 

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition 

5. Launching a new business takes time and money.

a.  subject 
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

6. George thought running for class president would be easy. 

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

7. Finding the lost puppy requires lots of help.

a.  subject 
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

8. The bubbles were floating to the top of the tank.

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement 
d.  object of a preposition

9. The ball was rolling down the street.

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement 
d.  object of a preposition

10. Caring for plants properly helps them live longer. 

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

11. Karen found rearranging her living room furniture quite tiresome. 

a.  subject
b.  direct object 
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

12. It is a good practice to wash your hands before eating. 

a.  subject
b.  direct object
c.  subject complement
d.  object of a preposition

Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Language Arts:  Gerunds - Quiz