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Identify how the following infinitives are used.  

1. John wanted to buy a video game.

a.  subject
b.  direct object 
c.  adjective

2. He must practice to win. 

a.  subject
b.  adverb 
c.  adjective

3. To climb Mount Everest has been my dream. 

a.  subject
b.  adverb
c.  adjective

4. Samantha's goal was to sing on Broadway. 

a.  subject
b.  adverb
c.  subject complement

5. To cook requires ingredients.

a.  subject 
b.  adverb
c.  adjective

6. I have a question to ask.

a.  subject
b.  adverb
c.  adjective 

7. To eat chocolates is a treat. 

a.  subject
b.  adverb
c.  adjective

8. Vera chose a song to sing.

a.  subject
b.  adverb
c.  adjective 

9. Bob hoped to find the right answer.

a.  subject
b.  direct object 
c.  adjective

10. Her goal is to graduate with full honors. 

a.  subject
b.  subject complement 
c.  direct object

Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Language Arts:  Infinitives - Quiz