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Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Select the correct prepositional phrase for each sentence from the choices given. 

1. The tree in the yard needs to be pruned. 

a.  The tree
b.  in the yard 
c.  needs to be pruned

2. In the middle of the night, we heard a dog barking loudly. 

a.  In the middle
b.  of the night
c.  barking loudly
d.  a and b
e.  b and c

3. His jacket was on the hook by the door.

a.  His jacket was
b.  on the hook
c.  by the door
d.  a and b
e.  b and c

4. Before she left, Jill placed the key under the mat. 

a.  Before she left
b.  Jill placed the key
c.  under the mat
d.  a and c 

5. The cat scurried across the yard and up the steps.

a.  The cat scurried
b.  across the yard
c.  up the steps
d.  a and b
e.  b and c 

6. Dave threw the football over the fence.

a.  Dave threw
b.  the football
c.  over the fence 

7. The magazines on the floor belong in the recycling bin.

a.  The magazines
b.  on the floor
c.  in the recycling bin
d.  a and b
e.  b and c 

8. During the concert, Sam fell asleep.

a.  During the concert 
b.  the concert
c.  Sam fell asleep

9. Her sister came for a visit last summer. 

a.  Her sister came
b.  for a visit 
c.  last summer

10. Trudy baked lots of pastries for the bake sale.

a.  Trudy baked
b.  lots of pastries
c.  of pastries
d.  for the bake sale
e.  c and d 
Language Arts:  Prepositions - Quiz