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Type the pronoun for each sentence in the spaces provided. 

1. Who ate the last piece of cake?

2. Dave made lunch for himself. 

3. Kaylee went to visit her sister in Boston.  

4. My car is parked at the end of the block.

5. Nancy will give the certificate to whoever wins the competition.

6. You can save the rest of the pizza for tomorrow.

7. Those are very expensive. 

8. Our house has been remodeled.

9. Cars that are bigger usually use more gas.

10. What will Mary do for the talent show?  

11. Fred and Hank found the treasure themselves. 

12. Both of the chairs are broken.

13. Jane will save this for tomorrow. 

14. Each of the boys will buy a ticket.

15. Jack gave us highlights from yesterday's game. 

Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

Use the Personalized Progress Chart in the Extra Tools section to record your score. 
Language Arts:  Pronouns - Quiz