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Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Select the correct answer for each question from the choices given. 

1. What is the complement of a 15 degree angle?

a. 65 degree angle
b. 75 degree angle 
c. 85 degree angle

2. What is the complement of a 47 degree angle? 

a. 43 degree angle 
b. 57 degree angle
c. 60 degree angle

3. What is the complement of a 57 degree angle?

a. 33 degree angle 
b. 35 degree angle
c. 37 degree angle

4. What is the supplement of a 27 degree angle? 

a. 137 degree angle
b. 145 degree angle
c. 153 degree angle

5. What is the supplement of a 132 degree angle? 

a. 48 degree angle 
b. 62 degree angle
c. 75 degree angle

Use the diagram above to answer the following questions.

6. Angle a is a ________ degree angle.

7. Angle d is a _______ degree angle.

8. Angle g is a _______ degree angle.

9. Angle h is a _______ degree angle.

Identify the following angles. Select the correct answers from the choices below. 

 a. right angle
 b. obtuse angle
 c. acute angle 

 a. right angle
 b. vertical angles 
 c. complementary angles

 a. complementary angles
 b. supplementary angles
 c. corresponding angles 

a. right angles
b. complementary angles 
c. corresponding angles

a. acute angle
b. right angle
c. obtuse angle 

a. supplementary angles 
b. complementary angles
c. corresponding angles

Math:  Angles - Quiz