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Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

Use the Personalized Progress Chart in the Extra Tools section to record your score. 
Set up a proportion to solve the following problems. Type your answers in the spaces provided. 

1. One can of vanilla frosting can cover two 9 x 12 inch sheet cakes. How many cans of vanilla frosting will it take to cover 8 sheet cakes?

_______ cans

2. Dave has a 125-page book to read in 5 days. How many pages will he have to read per day?

_______ pages

3. Shanna uses 3 eggs to make one pan of fudge nut brownies. How many pans of brownies will Shanna make if she uses 36 eggs?

_______ pans

4. The ratio of teachers to students at Gardenville Elementary School is 1:15. If Gardenville has 375 students, how many teachers are there? 

_______ teachers

5. It takes Meg 120 gallons of water to fill her swimming pool. If Meg has used a total of 1,920 gallons of water to clean her pool so far, how many times has Meg's swimming pool been cleaned?

_______ times

6. Aaron makes an average of 42 points per game. How many points might he score during a regular season of 82 games?

_______ points

a.  2,684
b.  3,444
c.  4,744
Math: Application of Proportion - Quiz