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Since x cannot equal both 6 and -6, plug the answer back into the equation to see which answer is correct. 

To check this equation, click here

This section will cover the fundamentals and rules of solving radical equations.
Steps for Solving Radical Equations
Below are steps for solving radical equations
  • Place parentheses around both terms.
  • Square the radical. 
  • Check your answer.
Square both members to remove the radical sign.
Plug the answer back into the equation. If it is equal, the answer is correct. 
Plug the answer back into the equation. If it is equal, the answer is correct. 
Square both members to remove the radical sign. 
Subtract 5 from both sides to get 5x on the left side by itself.  
Divide by 5 to solve for x
Solving Radical Equations
Math: Radical Equations - Tutorial